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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Synaptic Temporary Files

I spent so much net-time updating my ubuntu 8.04 LTS system and now when I re-installed it I had to do the same... and I was so tired using up double net-space. Luckily I found a permanent solution... all packages for updates that apt downloads are kept safely in a folder and for a reasonable amount of time.

I just happened to find out the temporary folder of synaptic (rather apt)...
It's: /var/cache/apt/archives

Well then, off to the remaining downloads and creating a new BOLD Version of ubuntu that contains all RESTRICTED codecs and everything to make it one-time-install-and-use-ready!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. for fedora:
    /var/cache/yum/... (packages installed by yum command)

  3. I found out about Mint... Much Later...
